Highest salary primary school teachers at 30 years of experience: ₦78,999 to ₦180,874 per month

31 Dec 2023 - After 20 years of work experience, primary school teachers earn a monthly wage that ranges from ₦57,047 to ₦168,757. 20 years of experience earns employees a monthly salary between ₦57,047 and ₦168,757. This research is presented by Mywage.ng on the occasion of World Teachers' Day.

People in this job with 30 years of work experience earn the highest salary: between ₦78,999 and ₦180,874 per month. Employees that have worked for 20 years, receive between ₦57,047 and ₦168,757 per month.

Employees who answered the survey are mostly between 49 and 70 years of age. 49% of the respondents are female, 51% are male.

On average, people in this job work 52 hours per week.

34% of primary school teachers more than 30 years of work experience

100% of people in this job state that they have no permanent contract for their job. The majority of workers in this occupation work in organisations of 500 or more employees. 34% of workers in this occupation have worked more than 30 years since their first job. For most people in this job, the majority of their coworkers are female.

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